Community Information
Customer Service Open House
Questions about your electric service? We’re bringing in a team of Liberty customer service, billing, operations, and engineering experts. Liberty will be hosting Customer Service Open Houses on Wednesday, February 26, and Friday, March 28. Stop by! We’d appreciate the opportunity to answer your questions and address your service needs.
New Construction or Modifying Existing Electric Service
If you are building a new home/business or upgrading and/or changing your electric service panel, you will need to submit an application through our online portal.
Visit Our New Kids' Corner!
Looking for fun, educational resources to engage your children and help them learn? Visit our new Kids' Corner webpage for a variety of videos and activities that will help your children learn more about your electric, gas, water, and wastewater service.
Visit the West Region Newsroom
Your home for stories, news, and information from Liberty's West Region.
Customer Collections have Resumed
Customer protections that have been in place since March 2020 due to COVID-19 have ended. Reminder notices, collection activity, and late charges have resumed for customers delinquent on their bills.
For assistance with your account please contact our office at (800) 782-2506.
Mountain View Fire Resources
On November 17, 2020, Liberty first received reports of a fire in Walker and quickly de-energized the grid in the communities of Walker and Coleville to mitigate any larger public safety risk. As of November 22, power was restored to those impacted customers who were able to take service.
North Lake Customers: Customer walk-in center remains closed
For the health and safety of our communities, our walk-in center in Tahoe Vista remains closed until further notice. Customers can continue to access the drop box at our walk-in location. Our South Lake Tahoe walk-in center is open and our customer service teams are available to take your calls. We recognize that many of our customers are experiencing financial uncertainty. If you are facing a potential hardship, we urge you to call us to discuss payment options and available assistance. We are here to help.
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