Supporting the United Way - Residential - California Water- Liberty
Supporting the United Way nationally and locally
We care about family, community, and education. To put this care into action, Liberty has partnered with the United Way to contribute to the communities where we work, live, and serve our customers. Through the United Way, we help support a variety of local programs and organizations that foster healthy lives and communities.

Additional partnerships
Building strong and lasting partnerships is part of our goal to sustain a cooperative regional approach community involvement. We work closely with our customers, surrounding agencies, other utilities, and stakeholders to pull our resources together to meet today’s growing challenges. We firmly believe that future success in our industry hinges on our ability to come together to strive for innovation and achieve integration.
Current partnerships:
- Southern California Edison: Water/energy state pilot program to identify and quantify the embedded energy savings in water conservation measures.
- United States Bureau of Reclamation: Water Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) to develop a model of achieving integrated efficiency in commercial, industrial and institutional sectors.
- University of California, Davis: Statewide energy and water efficiency initiative.
- California Public Utilities Commission: Statewide strategy for achieving the Governor’s mandate to reduce per capita water use by 20 percent by year 2020.
- Mojave Water Agency: Region-wide incentive-based residential and commercial programs for water conservation.
- Alliance for Water Awareness and Conservation: Partnership to promote water awareness and conservation in the high-desert community.