Thank You for Conserving!

Water is one of our most valuable commodities and California's conservation efforts continue to be important.  As your provider of this vital resource, Liberty wants to help you make every drop count.

Ongoing Water Conservation Tips

Water conservation is a smart move for the environment, and your budget - even when California is not experiencing an official drought. Fine out how to reduce your water use, and your water bill.

Learn More  

Water Use Calculator

This tool allows you to input water use information specific to your household and offers tips on where you can save water and energy based on that data.
Water Calculator

No-Cost Conservation Devices
No-Cost Conservation Devices
  • Faucet aerators (Bathroom and Kitchen)
  • Hose Shut-off nozzles
  • Moisture Meters


Hot Water Recirculating Pump Rebate Program
Hot Water Recirculating Pump Rebate Program

We are currently offering a $75 rebate for the purchase and installation of a hot water recirculating pump in your home. Recirculating pumps provide hot water at your taps on demand, eliminating the water waste incurred when waiting for your water to come to the desired temperature. Save water and energy!

Learn More

No-Cost Water Survey
No-Cost Water Survey

Schedule an appointment with a member of our conservation team to receive expert advice on saving water indoors and outside your home. 
Contact us at 760 247-6484.



Conservation Newsletters