EV Benefits
There are numerous benefits to owning an electric vehicle.

Savings & Affordability
On average, fueling a car with electricity is roughly the same as gas at $1/gallon of fueling with gasoline, thanks to EV’s performance efficiency and the lower cost of electricity. Electricity prices are also far more stable than gasoline prices, allowing drivers to avoid the risk of future price spikes.

Improved Air Quality
Despite continued improvement, too many people in the U.S. live where the air is unhealthy for them to breathe. EVs have no tailpipe and therefore no emissions – imagine how clean the air could be around you with everyone driving an EV!

Most EV drivers charge their vehicles at home, which means EVs never require a trip to the gas station and your hands will never smell like toxic petrochemicals. EVs have far fewer moving parts than gasoline cars. There’s no engine, transmission, spark plugs, valves, fuel tank, tailpipe, distributor, starter, clutch, muffler, or catalytic converter. There are a lot fewer things to break down, so there are no oil changes and maintenance costs are much lower.

Improving the Environment
EVs powered by the grid currently produce 54 percent less (lifetime) carbon pollution than gasoline cars, which could grow to 71 percent by 2050 as our power supply gets cleaner. Even better, Liberty’s own 250,000 solar panels provide clean renewable energy to our entire service territory on sunny days, and the balance of our power comes from our purchase power agreement with NV Energy including other renewable sources. Wouldn’t you rather get your fuel from renewable energy than ship it on tankers from halfway around the world?

National Security
Our addiction to imported oil has huge national security implications. The U.S. spends nearly a half billion dollars on foreign oil every day, mostly for transportation. Every time you fill up your car, you’re sending a check to foreign countries to pay for their oil. Why not send your money to the local electric utility or neighborhood solar installer instead?

Plug-in vehicles offer a quiet, smooth and powerful ride. An electric motor provides full torque from a standstill and completely changes the experience of getting onto a fast-moving highway.