Community Safety

Liberty Utilities is a member of the Sierra Front Wildfire Cooperators.  This group includes responders such as the U.S. Forest Service, the federal Bureau of Land Management, and the Nevada Division of Forestry, and meets six times a year to prepare for possible disasterslike wildfiresin its service territory, including the Lake Tahoe region.

In addition to participating in regional exercises that test responders’ wildfire emergency preparations, Liberty is also required to file an annual Fire Prevention Plan with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).  This year, the CPUC has asked California utilities to be especially diligent with their wildfire prevention and preparedness measures due to the state’s extreme drought conditions.

Liberty Utilities encourages our customers to also practice wildfire prevention while enjoying all that the Lake Tahoe region and beyond has to offer.  For more information about wildfire prevention and protection, visit or your local fire department’s website.