To find out what your total combined income is, add together the income for each person living with you. Sources of that income include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), State Supplementary Payment (SSP) benefits.
- Social Security benefits
- Royalties and rental income
- Child support or alimony payments
- Food stamps
- Cash public assistance
- Wages, tips, and salary from employment
- Unemployment benefits
- Veteran's benefits
- Disability benefits
- Interest and dividends
- Retirement benefits
- Student aid
How to Apply
If you think you qualify for the California Alternative Rates for Energy, click the link to apply online. If you have any questions, please contact Liberty at 1 (800) 782-2506.
For faster processing, apply online!
Apply Online - English
Apply Online - Español
Or download the CARE application for either the public assistance programs qualification or the household income qualification and mail it to:
Liberty CARE Program
933 Eloise Ave
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Download Application - English
Download Application - Español
Remember: Only qualified customers may sign up for the program and unacceptable energy usage levels could result in removal from the program. When you fill out your application form you will be signing a document under penalty of perjury that says you meet the qualifications. You will need to provide proof of income which includes but is not limited to copies of any of the following documents:
- State or federal income tax returns; if no tax return was filed, paycheck stubs or 1099 tax forms can be used
- Copies of state and federal records proving income — such as military pensions, Social Security, or TANF records
- Other documents, such as bank statements, that would prove income levels.
Liberty will verify and certify all applicants’ eligibility for the low-income rate. Liberty will also notify each low-income rate applicant of the status of their application.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions about the program call Liberty at 1-800-727-5987.
How to Read Your CARE Bill